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So who am I?

Updated: Aug 16, 2019

I have a lot to say...

Don’t we all? I think so. Each of us has our own unique experiences in life, work, relationships - all with their own set of challenges and opportunities, wins and losses. I bet you’re no different in that way. In fact, if you’re reading this, I know you’re on a journey, like me, to grow and serve and laugh and love. To figure this thing called life out, to make a mark, to have an impact, to show up and become a better you... even the best version of you.

“For most people, hell on Earth would be meeting the person you could have been.” Keith Cunningham

So who am I? Who are you?

For me, I AM a bunch of different things: man, husband, father, son, brother...former CPA, current fundraising coach/consultant/mentor... game fan, sports fan, entertainment fan, personal development fan... serious and playful... deep when I’m feeling it, emotionally aware... flawed, challenged, sometimes too open... and always…

Mike Gemm.

This is a place to share what we need to share to have the impact we need to have. You may find a lot of nuggets about fundraising as that’s where I’ve spent the last 15+ years of my career raising money for all kinds of causes. You may find a sports or a game metaphor. You may find something #random, because I can be kinda #random (non-sequiturs are welcome here).

What I hope is that you’ll find a place where we can become the best versions of ourselves. The highest calling in every area of our life. Why? Because why not? We can show up to “work” and give our best and if we don’t get the best then we get another shot be it the next hour or the next day or the next week. We can prioritize what’s most important to us whether that be your family or your mission or your relationships or something else...we just need to be clear about our priorities and drive our days towards those priorities (because we have all had many moments where our priorities were out of whack). So let’s do this.

The time is now.


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